181 weergaven24 nov. 2022

From February 24 to 26, the Netherlands will host the European Calisthenics Fair in cooperation with the European Union and 10 European partner countries for the first time. The grand Erasmus+ not-for-profit sport and health event is held in the capital's RAI Amsterdam and will be a joint event of the European Streetlifting Federation EUSF. The best athletes of Europe will come to Amsterdam to compete and determine the absolute European champions in various street sports disciplines: Streetlifting, Strength Endurance and Freestyle. The championships are divided among men and women within various weight and age categories.

On 25 of February, the championships will take place in various special Calisthenics parks setups simultaneously. But on February 26, when the grand finals are scheduled there will be one mainstage during the key finals. A real show full of entertainment is being prepared for the fans. And to ensure that everyone can fully enjoy it, the entrance to the European Calisthenics Fair in the RAI Amsterdam will be free.


Get your entrance tickets starting from 1.12.2023 on:


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Co-Funded by the European Union

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The Calisthenics Club
The Calisthenics Club

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